Well..let me just say these jeans are getting mailed back today. I have a 29 inch waist. When I buy designer jeans which are normally Seven's or Citizens.. I get a 29..sometimes a 30. They fit like a glove and give a little where they need to. Not these bitches. I bought them in a 29 because they're made with 2% elastane. They're trouser cut too which normally almost always fit perfectly. Let me tell you...I strained the damn tendon in my wrist to the point where my thumb curled up on me and I couldn't straighted it back out on my own trying to get these over my ass! My boyfriend had to make a splint for me to keep me from using it or it curling up again. Not only that.. He had to help me take them off afterwards. I thought it was embarrassing .. he loved it.
Finding a great fitting pair of jeans is always a struggle for most women. Too many different body types to cater to. Although these are very nice jeans they really aren't worth me losing the use of my thumb or any limb over. That would be a bit much. The things I go through for great clothing. Ridiculous.
What I like about Bazaar is that they don't crowd you with a bunch of articles I could care less reading about. I know it's great to know what's going on in Fashion when you're in the business of Fashion. I get this, but when I just want to look at who put of what this season and next... just give me that. I don't mind a little side note about what's now trendy, and what inspired so and so designer to create such a collection. But please...PLEASE don't expect me to read a page and a half of it. Show me what they did don't tell me.
Also, like many magazine are trying to do now.. they're touching important issues for women like breast cancer and domestic violence and what not.. which is fine. However the same applies. If I want to read about breakthroughs on Women issues I go to Marie Claire... another one of my favorites. Please ..not so much in my Fashion magazine. Bazaar gets it just right! Everything I could ask for in a Fashion mag.
So..although I swear by my Fall and Spring issues of Vogue, month to month I'm a Haper's girl. It's not a diss... just a preference.
YES!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!! (Swings fist in the air like Smeagol) It's exactly what it looks like. They are AA batteries you plug into your USB port to charge!!! Over and over and OVER AND OVER.. well I'm not really sure how long they last, but from what I read it's definitely not forever. I came across these advertised in Lucky Magazine a couple months ago. Brilliant idea I thought... so I bought them..and I love them. They charge pretty quickly and for me last longer in my digi cam then any lithium battery...Plus my camera's just acting funny, and sucks the life outta any battery I put in it period.
All and all these things are "Freggin Awesome!" They're about 18.00 bucks for two, and when I bought them the shipping was free. One of my best "impulse" buys yet.
I love you Mike.. but never in a million years.,28383,25712012-5019114,00.html