It's been quite some time since I've written anything about the "Happenings" in my or on paper, but with the weekend I just had... how could I not. Those who know me know all I do is work. I have two jobs for no reason.. now. Better to have two then none tho right??? Between all my working I have many hobbies that I don't get to nourish enough because I'm too busy trying to live a healthy lifestyle, or TRYING to spend time with friends and family. My boyfriend included. We've been together for quite some time but hardly spend any real time together. Finally...this weekend past..we got our chance. Now.. I'm an out-doorsy kinda girl especially when the weather is nice. My other half...his favorite greenery is the kind you smoke, but for the first time since we've been dating, I got his ass outside for some physical activities.
When I first presented the idea of basketball to him he just gave me a grunt even tho he told me how he used to play all the time. With a lil pressure and clever word play he agreed. After our shitty breakfast at a local diner we were off to 5 and Below to purchase the ball, then off the Mercer County Park for game time. The reason my love was hesitant to play at first was very evident when we got on the court... he sucked. The first 10-15 minutes I was killing him in shots made. Then he wanted to play 21, a game I never heard of before being I'm truly a girl of Fashion not Sports. He chewed me a new one in that... twice. After an hour or so of sweat and sunburn-him not me- we were on our way to Grounds For Sculpture.

I was amazed that although I've lived in Trenton all my life this awesome place that is right across the street from my job/around the corner I from my aptartment, I have never been to. Well with the exception of one time my art teacher in high school took us (the Art Club) there not realizing they were actually closed that day for renovations.

We were there for a while. When we finally left we headed home so I could wash the stickiness off of me and baby could "roll one" he calls it. We didn't stay home long until we were off to Outback for dinner making use of the gift card I got for Christmas-thank you Debbie. What can I say about Outback...I don't really eat red meat and it's not exactly Rats Restaurant. He enjoyed it tho. When done with dinner we went to the local Acme to grab a dvd from Redbox (I love those things!!), grabbed alcohol from the local liquor store and went home to lounge. A perfect day. I could not have asked for anything better... well...except maybe a pretty lil diamond ring for my left hand would have been nice but I'd have settled for a warm bath loaded with candles and soft music.